o’men, n. sign indicative of future.
om’i-nous, adj. threatening evil. —om’i-nous-ly, adv.
o-mit’, v., omitted, omitting. 1. leave out. 2. fail to do, etc. —o-mis’sion, n.
The Random House American Dictionary ISBN: 0-394-52900-6, 1983, p.167
Welcome back to The Oracle Report
Pictured is my Pocket Oracle; some folks seeing this will recognize it. On this day it’s an oracle trying to be an omen, spewing portents with rows of words; ominous and abridged declarations in a single column with close association, and worse, even omitting the very nature of these threats.
Fortunately, nature will always prevail, for close at hand is:
om-nip’o-tent, adj. almighty.
om’ni-pres’ent, adj. present everywhere at once.
om-nis’cient (om nish’ent), adj. knowing all things.
By now we know words have only the energy we give them. Here, we are unapologetic of language and are never alone. Anytime our language is usurped by the spellbinders The Arbiter is there to defend. To name a thing is to make it so and spellbinders know this. Definitions are important not for power but for cooperation (a survival tactic) and when the power of the word is corrupted, cooperation will be helpful.
When we realize an image portrayed as a truth is no more than our Fearsome Deities, we will again resort to cooperation.
My pocket dictionary pictured above has been, for a long time, an advocate of mine; a mighty shield to ward off the slings and arrows of negotiations - if you want to debate, please come prepared because once again, we are not alone.
If there is any advice to give: it is to get one and keep it close.
If you are of the opinion that language might be the thing that separates us from the animals and makes us human, then it might be a good time to start acting human. Cooperation is what brought us here and will insure us if we allow; language is the glue that holds it all together, and as human there is no turning back.
Speak clearly and directly
Psychic warfare is warfare and time to invoke the spirits (spirit, n. 1. vital principle in man; soul.) and the reason for S&UP. Since the spell is of your own design, these words are only meant to comfort - not indoctrinate. We choose our metaphors and make them real. You are no more alone than anyone and the spirits we invoke walk the earth and are as real as anything can be. Please be purposeful and do your part as best you can.
Never judge a book by its’ cover
Not until after this copy was purchased did it reveal to me that its’ cover was upside down. If we were to take its’ cover literally - it would be the language that is upside down.
We are all of us ghosts and our spirits reside in the language that precedes us, is before us and amidst us. It is a great gift of creation and without boundaries. It also defines our many worlds and is the compass we navigate by.
To name a thing is to make it so
Deserves to be repeated over and over…
Curiously unnecessary updates
Is any of this real? Only you have the answer to that; what is here seems real enough to me; without you it is less than smoke.
The only character that matters in this story is the Reader.
While you are here, this is as real as anything can be.
This is you, casting your spell; never underestimate your ability to create a world that is yours.
While you are here, this is the world you inhabit, of your own creation at this very moment.
We are all of us innocent, or all of us not.
All life is sacred, or all life is not.
The wonder of it all, and the strange and unusual - is our power to choose.
Stay with it.
To name a thing is to make it so. There is power in our words.
So it seems.